主持的科研项目: (1)国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于约束解析建模的轮式移动机器人轨迹跟踪最优鲁棒控制研究,52105093,2022.01-2024.12,30万元,在研,主持 (2)数字化设计与制造安徽省重点实验室自主创新专项,考虑不等式约束和不确定性的移动机器人动力学建模与控制研究,PA2021GDSK0077,2021.01-2022.12,8万元,在研,主持 (3) 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,基于模糊不确定性的汽车主动防侧倾系统约束跟随控制研究,JZ2019AKZR0243,2019.07-2021.06,10万元,在研,主持 (4) 长安大学重点科研平台开放基金项目,基于U-K理论的汽车主动防侧倾系统自适应鲁棒控制研究,PA2020QTXK0038,2020.01-2021.12,3万元,已结题,主持 (5) 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国学术新人提升计划A项目,JZ2019HGTA0042,2019.04-2020.12,5万元,已结题,主持 (6) 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国博士专项科研资助基金项目,JZ2018HGBZ0131,2018.05-2020.04,2万元,已结题,主持 第一作者/通讯作者论文: (1) Hao Sun, Luwen Yang, Ye-Hwa Chen, et al. Constraint-based control design for uncertain underactuated mechanical system: Leakage-type adaptation mechanism, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, 51(12): 7663-7674. (2) Hao Sun, Luwen Yang, Ye-Hwa Chen, et al.Controlling tractor -semitrailer vehicles in automated highway systems: Adaptive robust and Lyapunov minimax approach, Asian Journal of Control, 2021, 23(6): 2642-2656. (3) Hao Sun, Ye-Hwa Chen, Yangshou Xiong, et al. Configuring tasks as constraints for coordinated mechanical systems: A Udwadia–Kalaba theory based adaptive robust control, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357(6): 3387-3418. (4) Hao Sun, Ye-Hwa Chen, Kang Huang, et al. Controlling the differential mobile robot with system uncertainty: Constraint-following and the adaptive robust method, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(6): 1294-1305. (5) Hao Sun, Rongrong Yu, Ye-Hwa Chen, et al. Optimal design of robust control for fuzzy mechanical systems: performance-based leakage and confidence-index measure, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 27(7): 1441-1455. (6) Hao Sun, Han Zhao, Kang Huang, Mingming Qiu, Shengchao Zhen, Ye-Hwa Chen. A fuzzy approach for optimal robust control design of an automotive electronic throttle system, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2018, 26(2): 694-704. (7) Hao Sun, Ye-Hwa Chen, Han Zhao. Adaptive robust control methodology for active roll control system with uncertainty, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(2): 359–371. (8) Hao Sun, Ye-Hwa Chen, Han Zhao, et al. Optimal design for robust control parameter for active roll control system: A fuzzy approach, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(19): 4575-4591. (9) Hao Sun, Han Zhao, Kang Huang, et al. A new approachfor vehicle lateral velocity and yaw rate control with uncertainty,Asian Journal of Control, 2018, 20(2): 216-227. (10) Hao Sun, Han Zhao, Kang Huang, et al. Adaptive robust constraint-followingcontrol for satellite formation flying with system uncertainty, Journal ofGuidance Control & Dynamics, 2017, 40(6): 1492-1502. (11) Hao Sun, Han Zhao, Shengchao Zhen, et al. Application of the Udwadia–Kalaba approach to tracking control of mobile robots,Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(1-2): 389-400. 授权的发明专利: (1) 孙浩, 屠鲁川,姚俊升,蔡明辉,曹蒙昭,石江瑜,一种装有SCARA机械臂的羽毛球机器人, 2022.01.28, 中国, ZL202011206203.8 (2)孙浩, 李晨鸣, 赵韩, 黄康,一种主动防侧倾系统的控制器的设计方法, 2020.12.29, 中国, ZL201810648774.3 (3)黄康, 郭俊, 赵韩, 孙浩, 甄圣超, 张雁欣, 一种双转子盘式轴向永磁电机, 2019.09.10, 中国, ZL201711060636.5 (4)赵韩,朱胤斐,黄康,孙浩,甄圣超, 李晨鸣, 应用于电驱动直升机尾桨上的电机与减速器一体化装置及其控制方法, 2019.07.19, 中国, ZL201710845094.6 (5) 赵韩, 孙浩, 章碧鸿, 黄康, 甄圣超, 陈怀印, 双通道液压马达式主动稳定杆的控制系统及其控制方法, 2017.02.01, 中国, ZL201410730 |