主持的在研科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51875155),2019-2022 [2] 中央高校基本科研业务费科学前沿项目(PA2019GDQT0017),2019-2020 [3] 合肥波林新材料股份有限公司委托课题(W2020JSKF0511),2020-2022 主持的部分已结题科研项目:
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51405124),2015-2017 [2] 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国优秀青年教师项目(JZ2015HGXJ0256),2015-2017 [3] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(2015T80648),2015-2017 [4] 中国博士后科学基金一等资助面上项目(2014M560505),2014-2016 [5] 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目(1408085ME82), 2014-2016 [6] 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金重点项目(SKLTKF15A05), 2016-2017 [7] 中央高校基本科研业务费博士科研启动项目(2012HGBZ0857), 2013-2014 [8] 安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目(11040606Q37), 2011-2012 [9] 中科院兰州化学物理所固体润滑国家重点实验室开放基金项目(0907), 2010-2012 [10] 伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国研究与发展基金项目(080204F), 2008-2009
代表性论文: [1] Zhiheng Luo, Jingyuan Yu, Yufu Xu*, He Xi, Gang Cheng, Lulu Yao, Ruhong Song, Karl D Dearn, Surface characterization of steel/steel contact lubricated by PAO6 with novel black phosphorus nanocomposites,Friction, 2021 (In press), DOI: 10.1007/s40544-020-0366-3 [2] Yufu Xu*, Jingyuan Yu, Yinghui Dong, Tao You, Xianguo Hu, Boundary lubricating properties of black phosphorus nanosheets in polyalphaolefin oil, ASME Journal of Tribology, 2019, 141(7):072101. [3] Yufu Xu*, Quan Zheng, Rasha Abuflaha, Dustin Olson, Octavio Furlong, Tao You, Qiangqiang Zhang, Xianguo Hu, Wilfred T Tysoe, Influence of dimple shape on tribofilm formation and tribological properties of textured surfaces under full and starved lubrication, Tribology International, 2019, 136:267-275. [4] Yufu Xu*, Quan Zheng, Jian Geng, Yinghui Dong, Ming Tian, Lulu Yao, Karl D. Dearn, Synergistic effects of electroless piston ring coatings and nano-additives in oil on the friction and wear of a piston ring/cylinder liner pair, Wear, 2019,422-423:201-211. [5] Yufu Xu*, Jingyuan Yu, Jian Geng, Rasha Abuflaha, Dustin Olson, Xianguo Hu, Wilfred T. Tysoe, Characterization of the tribological behavior of the textured steel surfaces fabricated by photolithographic etching, Tribology Letters, 2018, 66(2): 55 [6] Yufu Xu*, Jian Geng, Yubin Peng, Zhichao Liu, Jingyuan Yu, Xianguo Hu, Lubricating Mechanism of Fe3O4@MoS2 core-shell nanocomposites as oil additives for steel/steel contact, Tribology International, 2018, 121:241-251. [7] Yubin Peng, Yufu Xu*, Karl D. Dearn, Jian Geng, Xianguo Hu, Novel in situ tribo-catalysis for improved tribological properties of bio-oil model compound, Fuel, 2018, 212: 546-553. [8] Yubin Peng, Yufu Xu*, Jian Geng, Karl D. Dearn, Xianguo Hu. Tribological assessment of coated piston ring-cylinder liner contacts under bio-oil lubricated conditions [J]. Tribology International, 2017, 107: 283-293. [9] Yufu Xu*, Yubin Peng, Karl D. Dearn, Tao You, Jian Geng, Xianguo Hu. Fabrication and tribological characterization of laser textured boron cast iron surfaces [J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 313:391-401. [10] Yufu Xu*, Yubin Peng, Karl D Dearn, Xiaojing Zheng, Lulu Yao, Xianguo Hu, Synergistic lubricating behaviors of graphene and MoS2 dispersed in esterified bio-oil for steel/steel contact. Wear, 2015, 342-343: 297-309 [11] Yufu Xu*, Xiaojing Zheng, Yubin Peng, Bao Li, Xianguo Hu, Yanguo Yin, Upgrading the lubricity of bio-oil via homogeneous catalytic esterification under vacuum distillation conditions, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2015, 80: 1-9. [12] Yufu Xu*, Yubin Peng, Xiaojing Zheng, Karl D Dearn, Hongming Xu, Xianguo Hu, Synthesis and tribological studies of nanoparticle additives for pyrolysis bio-oil, Energy, 2015, 83: 80-88.
代表性专利: [1] 徐玉福,郑权,彭玉斌,陈星,胡献国,表面涂层与纳米润滑剂协同改善内燃机摩擦学性能的方法,授权日:2020.10.20,中国发明专利:ZL 2017112967495 [2] 徐玉福,胡献国,一种金属加工用环保型高水基切削液,授权日:2019.1.11,中国发明专利:ZL 2016103108214 [3] 徐玉福,彭玉斌,郑晓静,胡献国,李豹,摩擦催化氧化石墨烯原位酯化生物油的方法,授权日:2018.6.12,中国发明专利:ZL 2015104280928 [4] 徐玉福,胡献国,程亚洲,一种空间飞行器用润滑脂及其制备方法,授权日:2014.10.01,中国发明专利:ZL 201310278165.0 [5] 徐玉福,彭玉斌,郑晓静,胡献国,车用宽温域生物润滑油及其制备方法,授权日:2018.6.15,中国发明专利:ZL 2016103108252 [6] 徐玉福,胡献国,一种锌白铜用防高温变色剂及其使用方法,授权日:2016.01.06,中国发明专利:ZL 201310278163.1(已成功工业化应用,欢迎有需求企业联系技术转让)
获奖情况: [1] 高晓谋,胡献国,徐玉福,何甲生,高荣权,杨桂芳,高性能特种润滑脂关键技术及产业化应用,安徽省科学技术奖,科技进步三等奖,2019 [2] Yubin Peng, Yufu Xu*(通讯作者), Jian Geng, Karl D. Dearn, Xianguo Hu,Wear mechanism of coated piston ring-cylinder liner contacts lubricated with bio-oil,第六届世界摩擦学大会优秀论文奖,2017 [3] 徐玉福*,郑晓静,尹延国,Comparison and analysis of the influence of test conditions on the tribological properties of emulsified bio-oil,第八届安徽省自然科学优秀学术论文,二等奖,2016 [4] 胡献国,胡坤宏,徐玉福,沃恒洲,汪瑾,滑动轴承的超润滑设计与抗磨减摩机理研究,安徽省科学技术奖,自然科学二等奖,2013 [5] 徐玉福,胡献国,王琼杰,李文东,生物油的精制对其腐蚀与磨损性能的影响,中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会,2011年全国青年摩擦学与表面工程学术会议大会,优秀论文奖,2011 |